Health Blog

coping mechanisms for disabled children

How to Help Your Special Needs Child Develop Better Coping Skills

November 20th, 2018

Parents of special needs children have to learn many different coping skills, and they also need to help their child develop better coping mechanisms. Physical therapy can be an integral part of developing these coping skills, and your work with the physical therapist can be just as beneficial for you as it is for your

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what is muscular dystrophy

How Sensational Kidz Therapy Can Help Prevent Muscular Dystrophy

November 10th, 2018

For a parent, the only thing worse than facing a chronic health issue is seeing your child have to face one. Muscular dystrophy is a scary diagnosis; one that is typically filled with a lot of questions and uncertainty about the future. When faced with a chronic diagnosis like this, it is common to want

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3 Reasons Why it’s Important to Play Outside with Your Child

October 19th, 2018

Playing outside with your child offers them some developmental challenges that many kids are lacking today. It’s not simply a cliché to think that children benefit from playing outdoors. There’s a growing body of scientific research that has found some incredible advantages for a child’s development if you engage them in outdoor activities. As your

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